Monday, February 19, 2007

Last blog!! :)

Wow, it seems like it's been a long quarter!! I feel like I've been learned a lot in this class that I will be able to use in the future. I had never used PhotoShop, video maker, or Publisher before this class so I've definitely been able to learn. I was very frustrated with Photoshop at first, but after a while I think I finally got the hang of it. I was actually able to help my boyfriend photoshop a picture the other day. He wanted both him and his dad in a picture with the fish they caught. It turned out pretty good, if I do say so myself! I liked the idea of doing newsletter. The place I'm interning right now uses newsletters, so I know that will definitely be something I'll be able to use in the future, whether it be for family or business. I had never used video maker before either and boy was that a trip! I didn't think I was ever going to find a video clip I could use. Nothing would let me save the target so I looked and looked. Finally I got smart and downloaded a plug-in to snatch the video, but you know those things never work like they say they're supposed to. I had to download multiple programs and then after I finally got the video I had to download another program to convert it to a file windows media player could recognize. Then when I finally got it into movie maker I had to split the clips and try to make sure I saved all of the clip that I wanted to play. Also, I think it's a little difficult - or even frustrating- that everytime you adjust one little thing you have to readjust the whole storyboard. After about 6 hours of messing with video and trying to convert everything and add text and transitions I FINALLY figured it out. Even though it was probably the most grueling task I've ever had to do, I'm glad I got the opportunity to mess around with it. I feel like it is something I will be able to use in the future!

I commented on Jo Ann's blog this week.

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