Monday, February 19, 2007

Last blog!! :)

Wow, it seems like it's been a long quarter!! I feel like I've been learned a lot in this class that I will be able to use in the future. I had never used PhotoShop, video maker, or Publisher before this class so I've definitely been able to learn. I was very frustrated with Photoshop at first, but after a while I think I finally got the hang of it. I was actually able to help my boyfriend photoshop a picture the other day. He wanted both him and his dad in a picture with the fish they caught. It turned out pretty good, if I do say so myself! I liked the idea of doing newsletter. The place I'm interning right now uses newsletters, so I know that will definitely be something I'll be able to use in the future, whether it be for family or business. I had never used video maker before either and boy was that a trip! I didn't think I was ever going to find a video clip I could use. Nothing would let me save the target so I looked and looked. Finally I got smart and downloaded a plug-in to snatch the video, but you know those things never work like they say they're supposed to. I had to download multiple programs and then after I finally got the video I had to download another program to convert it to a file windows media player could recognize. Then when I finally got it into movie maker I had to split the clips and try to make sure I saved all of the clip that I wanted to play. Also, I think it's a little difficult - or even frustrating- that everytime you adjust one little thing you have to readjust the whole storyboard. After about 6 hours of messing with video and trying to convert everything and add text and transitions I FINALLY figured it out. Even though it was probably the most grueling task I've ever had to do, I'm glad I got the opportunity to mess around with it. I feel like it is something I will be able to use in the future!

I commented on Jo Ann's blog this week.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Video Complication

It's really hard to find video clips that you can actually save on the internet. Well, the video clips that I want anyway. I'm trying to find funny clips of tv shows (mainly The Office) and most of the sites won't let me save anything. Has anyone else been able to get clips like this? I'm going to keep digging on the internet and maybe something will turn up.
If you happened to miss The Office this week, you can find clips at NBC's website.

Friday, February 16, 2007

Blog 8: Professional use of video

I'm not exactly sure how I will use videos in my professional life. I guess if I wanted to add something entertaining to a training program or maybe some sort of infomercial for something. I think it would be more useful in personal life, just like photoshop. I saw some people were making videos of their children's basketball games or some sporting event. I think that would be one of the best uses of it so then your kids have something to look back on. It would also be good for weddings or events like that. I'm glad to get the opportunity to use it and will continue to experiment with it in the future.

I commented on Ron's blog

Blog 7: Video

For our video we are putting together clips of a step show that Chevon and her sorority competed in. We put an introduction in front of their actual performance and we are going to record an opening next week. We are all working well together and are using windows movie maker. I am finding this project very interesting and I hope I can use it in the future.

I commented on Mark's blog

Monday, February 12, 2007

Blog 6: Video

I chose to work with Chevon and Eric on this video project because I know them from other classes and I figured it would be easy to arrange times to meet up and work on our project. I am having difficulty thinking of what to do for the video. I think doing something with t.v show clips would be fun, for the first video anyway. I am glad to get the opportunity to work with movie maker because I have never used any program like it. I think it will come in handy down the road when I start taking vacations, get married, have a family, etc. I don't really need it for anything right now, though. I hope this works out better than Photoshop did for me!!

I commented on Janet's blog

Thursday, February 8, 2007

Blog #5

I think that graphic design and page layout is very important to contemporary learning. With all of the changes in technology and the different environment that students work in now graphic design and page layout can add something extra to learning. It helps students get engaged into a presentation the teacher might be giving or the students can have fun with activities that they are assigned to do. There's such a good environment with all the technology today that fosters student learning. Graphic design and page layout are just one more way to help students learn and increase literacy.

I commented on Mark's blog

Tuesday, January 23, 2007


I am excited to do the newsletter assignment. I've never actually done one before, so it will a good experience for me. I'm not really sure how I will be able to use it professionally. I guess it would be good to keep employees updated on new issues in the company or upcoming events. Or even in my personal life I could use it to keep in touch with family or friends. I will probably think of more ideas after we get started on it.

I commented on Ron's, Jim's, Jenny's, and Adam's blogs